How to Set Meaningful Goals

Mar 06, 2020

Were you to ask most of the population if they have a goal, they will say no and if they do, it’s not very clear. Most entrepreneurs and business owners have goals, but many times, they are not clear, inspiring and may just feel like more work!

One more thing to do!

If the goal doesn’t make you feel passionate and inspired, it will fizzle out over time. This is why new years resolutions never stick after the first few months. They are specific, measurable – and boring!

When your goal comes from deep inside, from the soul, it makes you want to get up in the morning and start your day! If you are not emotionally involved with your goal you will find excuses not to act on it and you will get easily distracted.

Here are some simple guidelines to set meaningful goals:

Go for a big fantasy goal – something you really, really want.
Most people set goals based on what they think they can do or what they have done before. While that’s ok for a short-term goal, It’s a dream killer for longer-term goals! Here is where you have to dream big and think outside of the box. If you need help, you can read the book “The Magic of Thinking Big” for support.

What is it that you really, really want?
Write down whatever comes to mind. Let yourself be free with your imagination. Don’t hold back. Don’t worry about the how. You only have one life so go for it! Have fun with this exercise.
If you know how to reach the goal, and it doesn’t scare you and excite you at the same time, then you will go sideways. It must make you stretch!

Decide how you want to feel when you achieve your goal.
One of the reasons you want something is because of how it will make you feel when you get it. The secret is to decide what those feelings are now and build them into your day before you have your dream.
Do you want to feel empowered? Abundant? Free? Confident? Expansive?

Write 3 words that describe how you will feel f you have your goal now. Then, deliberately trick your mind into feeling that now. For example, if you want abundance then do something every day that makes you feel wealthy. Is it a hot bath? Test driving your dream car?

Visualize living your goal twice a day.
This is where you let your imagination go to work. You must trick your mind into having your wish fulfilled now. Create a movie theatre in your mind and see and feel yourself living your dreams. Think of your three feelings words and align the vision with them.
You can play music or create a vision board to help you feel it more powerfully. If you are not good at visualizing, then just feel your vision and your goals. You can also create a mind movie which is really powerful.

Here is the link for the mind movie:

Do whatever it takes to feel and live your goal now. Have fun with it too. Your goal is already here but you have to get into the frequency of it first. That means seeing it, living it and feeling grateful for it before it manifests. Gratitude for things that haven’t yet come to pass is powerful!

Keep asking yourself what you love and what makes your heart sing!
Here are two powerful questions to ask yourself daily:

Does this goal bring me life?
What do I love to do?
Move towards what brings you joy. The how will come but I will talk about that next week!

Have fun with this!

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