Power Habits to Shape Your Future

Mar 06, 2020

“Success is a matter of understanding and religiously practicing specific, simple habits that always lead to success.”
Robert J. Ringer
Author of Million Dollar Habits

 I want you to ponder upon this question: What could you achieve if you took on 4 new powerful habits a year?
Let me tell you…In 5 years you would have 20 new success habits that can increase your income, give you better health, improve your business and really change your life as you know it.

 It’s such a powerful question and the quality of our life depends on the quality of the questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Tony Robbins is huge on this.

 Whatever habits you currently have are producing your current level of results.

To begin let’s look at some non-productive habits. Maybe you eat too much sugar. Maybe you spend more than you earn. Or, you procrastinate and spend too much time on social media. Or you arrive late for appointments. The first step is to make a list of all your unproductive habits that are really affecting your life and results.

Turn each one into a productive habit -Pick the one that has the most impact for you.

 It’s better to work diligently on one for 60 days as research shows that if you do it for that long then it becomes a life habit. Repetition is key and will rewire your brain so its automatic. Until then find an accountability partner, write it on your mirror or put it on your phone! Visualize that body you want when you are working out every day!

 So, what will be? Reviewing your goals daily? Meditating? Writing what you are grateful for? Having a powerful morning routine for your mindset? Make it fun and reward yourself every week!

 Mine will be to drink more water since dehydration reduces mental sharpness and I am bad about it.

 Where do unproductive habits come from? They come from programming in your subconscious mind which is responsible for 95% of your behavior. This program was not even put in there by you so that means that if you don’t want to exercise you can blame your aunt Bertha from long ago… It’s a paradigm which is a bunch of habits that cause you to do things you don’t really want to do. Or, maybe you know what you should be doing but something stops you. Its called the knowing/doing gap.

 How did those habits get formed? By repetition of ideas from other people. So, to change it you must repeat the new idea or pattern over, and over and over.

 Repetition is the key to changing those old patterns that no longer serve you. Replace the old behavior or ideas with new ones until one day you will not even think about it!

 Think about how padded your bank account will be, how sexy your body will look in that bikini, how many clients you will touch by sending them a thank you card…

 What habit will it be?

Change your habits, change your whole life. The invitation and the opportunity are there.

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