What I learned from being in "lock down" from Covid-19

empowerment growth lifecoaching mindset May 16, 2020

It’s an understatement to say we all were in deep shock at the thought of having to stay home in lock down with the fear that many of us might die from this horrific pandemic.

After doing my little freak out, I quickly decided that being consumed by fear was going to take me in the wrong direction due to my knowledge and experience with Universal law. What we focus on expands and I decided to shift my focus as fast as I could!

Having been though major crises before, I have learned that if we are in a state of fear, we will attract more things to be fearful about. Our state creates - it’s that easy!

I decided to take advantage of the time and learn some lessons – this is what every crisis has gifted me with: knowledge about myself and my place in the world. At each and every moment we have a choice to react or respond so I chose the latter for my own sake and those around me. This decision produced results that I am deeply grateful for!

As we get ready to attempt to get into a version of “normal” life again I walk from this experience feeling like I have grown by leaps and bounds, feeling connected and ready to take on the world!!

Here are some lessons that I have learned that you may resonate with:

  1. The things that we think we need to be happy are not true.

Our egos have taken the driver’s seat for far too long and it’s time to re-evaluate our whole consumerism version of reality. We think that more things”, status and accomplishments will make us happy but how has that worked out for us so far? I speak for myself in the realization that time was such a gift, especially time with family! We have given up so much of ourselves and our souls to “have” but not “be.”! I found that my happiness came from being out with nature, from that first cup of coffee and time with people I really love. We have really complicated this and its time to go back to a simpler life.

  1. Fear is a state of being and we have the power to change it.

I don’t think there were too many people that didn’t contemplate the possibility of dying from Covid-19 even if it was just for a moment. I decided that FEAR didn’t serve me anymore as I had spent a good portion of my life prior in a state of fear and it had created major disintegration in my life which I aim to never allow again! I learned that fear is really the door to freedom and we really have to feel it then let it go! Knowing the laws of the mind and how we create our reality were key in the realization that no matter what happens, even if I became homeless, that fear will not be the tool in the tool bag of emotions that I would use to access solutions and freedom.

  1. To navigate these times, it will take huge mindset changes and a willingness to let go of the blueprint of what we thought life “should” look like. It’s not good or bad. It just is!

I learned some valuable lessons when I walked away from a marriage of 23 years, the white picket fence and the “American dream”. One of the things I learned is that in order to create a new and improved reality, we will have to get really uncomfortable, and let go of how we thought things should turn out and be open to change. Growing pains are not easy and trust me, there were times when death seemed like a good option, but I wouldn’t be here helping people had I gone in that direction. These times will require that we create a new blueprint for business, life and how we live. It will require a great deal of connection, creativity, innovation, flexibility and courage. How do I know? This is what I had to do in my personal life and now I am empowered to help by empowering people with the tools I have gained navigating my journey, with a large helping of tears, joy, laughter and despair.

This Pandemic is by far from over and I invite you to take stock of what worked and what didn’t work for you and how you can emerge better than ever. You are a powerful spiritual being living this earthy experience and you can and will come out of this better. How do I know? If I can, then you can too.



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